Zumba 1st Anniversary Party! Zumbathon with a difference!

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Zumba 1st Anniversary Party!
Zumbathon with a difference!

Glitter Disco Party!!

Where: RAFT Anglican Church
Cnr Taylors Ln & Kelletts Rd, Rowville

When: Saturday 7th May
Time: 6.30 – 10.30pm

Dress in casual wear or Zumbawear & glitter it up coz this is one party you don’t want to miss! Be sure to invite your family & friends to join in the celebrations!!

Demonstrations by Instructors & Students as well as Special Guest Performances are sure to make this party epic!!

There will be many more surprises & giveaways !

Finger food provided but BYO alcohol.

Cost Adults $20, Children $10. $5 of ticket price going to the Think Pink Foundation. Helpus raise money for this worthy cause.

RSVP 30th April to Pierre 0417322312 or zumbafitness@live.com.au
Payment by Cash, EFTPOS or Credit Card

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