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You're never fully dressed without a smile.
Pierre Kaldawi
Olympics Zumba® Fitness Class!
zumbafitness August 02, 2012 Comments Off UncategorizedAussie! Aussie! Aussie Zumba® Party People!
As the Olympics start winding down let’s go for gold at our Zumba® Fitness classes!! Come to Park Ridge Primary School on Saturday morning August 4/8 10.30-11.30am dressed in green & gold. You can enter the draw to win a 10 class punch card and for this Saturday ONLY we will have a special $80 for 10 classes!!!! Now that’s a medal winning offer!!! If you have a friend intrested in trying out our Zumba® Fitness class that hasn’t been before, bring them along for FREE!!!!
So bring your smiles, dress in green & gold & lets have an Olympic party…Zumba® style!!!!!!!!!
Zumba® Peace & Love
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